We don’t just communicate the research. We get the research.
We are a team of researchers coming from a range of disciplinary expertise, including environmental, health, and social sciences. We understand the academic process and the importance of credible knowledge production. We believe blending creative, storytelling techniques with traditional academic methods can be a powerful combination for inquiry.
Our publications
Borish, D., A. Cunsolo, J. Snook, I. Shiwak, M. Wood, A. Dale, C. Flowers, J. Goudie, A. Hudson, C. Kippenhuck, M. C. Purcell, G. Russell Jr., J. Townley, I. J. Mauro, C. E. Dewey, and S. L. Harper. (2022). “It’s like a connection between all of us”: Inuit social connections and caribou declines in Labrador, Canada. Ecology and Society, 27(4):11. URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol27/iss4/art11
Borish, D., Cunsolo, A., Snook, J., Dewey, C., Mauro, I., & Harper, S. L. (2022). Relationships between Rangifer and Indigenous wellbeing in the North American Arctic and Sub-Arctic: a scoping review. Arctic, 75(1): 86-104.
Borish, D., Cunsolo, A., Mauro, I., Dewey, C., & Harper, S. L. (2021). Moving images, moving methods: Advancing documentary film for qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 1-14; doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F16094069211013646
Borish, D., Cunsolo, A., Mauro, I., Dewey, C., & Harper, S. L. (2021). Notions in motion: A how-to guide to a video-based qualitative analysis. Supplementary file for “Moving images, moving methods: Advancing documentary film for qualitative research,” submitted to the International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
Borish, D., Cunsolo, A., Snook, J., Shiwak, I., Wood, M., HERD Caribou Project Steering Committee, Mauro, I., Dewey, C., Harper, S. L. (2021). “Caribou was the reason, and everything else happened after”: Effects of caribou declines on Inuit in Labrador, Canada. Global Environmental Change, 68, 102268; doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102268
Snook, J., Cunsolo, A., Borish, D., Furgal, C., Ford, J., Shiwak, I., Flowers, C., Harper, S.L. (2020). “We’re made criminals just to eat off the land:” Colonial wildlife management and repercussions on Inuit wellbeing. Sustainability, 12, 8177; doi:10.3390/su12198177
Cunsolo, A., Borish, D., Harper, S. L., Snook, J., & Shiwak, I., Wood, M., HERD Caribou Project Steering Committee (2020). “You can never replace the caribou:” Inuit experiences of ecological grief from caribou declines. American Imago, 77(1):31–59.
Borish, D., Dewey, C., & King, N. (2017). Enhanced Community Capital from Primary School Feeding and Agroforestry Program in Kenya. International Journal of Educational Development, 52: 10-18 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2016.10.005
King, N., Dewey, C., & Borish, D. (2015). Determinants of Primary School Non-Enrollment and Absenteeism: Results from a Retrospective, Convergent Mixed Methods, Cohort Study in Rural Western Kenya. PLoS ONE, 10(9): e0138362. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138362